Garden of the Gods engagement session- Abby & Brent

A splash of being down for adventure, a pinch of slightly competitive, a dash of mutual adoration, and you have just a small picture of the awesome couple that is Abby and Brent. 

Abby and Brent were here visiting from their home state of Oklahoma. They keep coming back to Colorado for all the adventures and things to explore. Even though they love adventure, their ideal weekend is just being together, regardless of what it is they’re doing. Quality time truly is hard to beat. 

This was my first engagement session post stay at home order and I couldn’t have asked for a better couple to kick off a busy summer with. They were totally game to explore Garden of the Gods, climb up on rocks, give piggyback rides and roll around in the grass. I hardly had to tell them what to do, they were so natural and sweet in front of the camera. 


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